2015, Moth Traps - Derbyshire, Year

Moth Trap 26th October 2015

The 9th Garden Trap of the year  and I can’t believe I’ve done so few moth traps this year! Conditions were mild overnight for time of year and so I was in high spirits for something good. The trap turned-out to be rather disappointing. Species in no particular order were as follows – Common Marbled […]

2015, Moth Traps - Derbyshire, Year

Moth Trap 18th September 2015

Another garden trap with low numbers and species count and the 8th trap of the year. Conditions were good early on but turned cool and damp later. Species list in no particular order – Angle Shades 1; Large Yellow Underwing 31; Lunar Underwing 2; Lesser Yellow Underwing 3; Common Wainscot 1; Common Marbled Carpet 1;

2015, Moth Traps - Derbyshire, Year

Moth Trap 13th September 2015

Garden Trap number 7 and a disappointment. Conditions were perfect on the evening of the 12th but overnight temperature dropped and then heavy rain set in. Result was basically a trap full of “Underwings”. Trap results in no particular order – Large Yellow Underwing 27; Lesser Yellow Underwing 5; Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 1 female; Brimstone

2015, Moth Traps - Derbyshire, Year

Moth Trap 26th -27th August 2015

The fifth trap this year, trying desperately to catch a migrant, Bordered Straw would be rather nice!! A rather cool and breezy night, with some light rain, think this was the culprit for a relatively poor trap. Still lots of Large Yellow Underwings though. Seems more this year than in previous? So results were in

2015, Moth Traps - Derbyshire, Year

Moth Trap 20th-21st August 2015

Not been moth trapping as much as I would have liked this year, this was only my fourth garden trap of the year. A very warm and still night, so conditions were about perfect. What I didn’t expect was literally a trap full of Large Yellow Underwings, over 100 in all. My largest ever count

2015, Moth Traps - Derbyshire, Year

2nd Moth Trap – 2015

My second trap of the year 27th June2015. Hoping for the odd migrant but nothing of great interest over night other than seven Elephant Hawkmoths, the largest  number I’ve caught in my garden in 12 years of trapping. Also a single Cockchafer. The list in no particular order – Elephant Hawkmoth 7; Marbled Beauty 2;

2015, Moth Traps - Derbyshire, Year

1st moth trap 2015

25th June 2015 overnight – First moth trap of the year – In no particular order –  Heart & Drat 8; Dark Arches 2; Elephant Hawkmoth 1; Brimstone Moth 1; Setaceous Hebrew Character 1; Foxglove Pug 2;Buff Ermine 2; RibandWave 1; Marbled Minor 2; Rustic 2; Snout 1; Flame 1; Garden Carpet 1; Silver-ground Carpet

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