- Rare / Uncommon / Scarce

ID pointers: As the name suggests, it is a very attractive carpet moth. The ground colour is a rich cream with a huge white central cross band with a dark basal area finely marked. A large dark patch near the wing tip and blue grey markings along the trailing edge for the forewing. As there is no dark central cross-band, this is a key ID feature that separates it from other White Carpet moths.
Distribution: (Last record: 19/07/2022 at Darley Dale ) - A resident species, that is locally rare in Derbyshire. It is mainly found at scattered sites in the south and central regions of the county with populations being small.
Forewing: 15-18mm
Last Recorded Date: 19/07/2022
Last Recorded By: Simon Roddis
Last Recorded General Area: Darley Dale
No First Date Information Recorded
IMAGES BELOW: Melbourne – Images by Tony Davison ©