70.055 BF1726 – Large Twin-spot Carpet – Geometridae – Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata

Large Twin-spot CarpetGeometridae – Larentiinae – Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata – colour code
STATUS – Since the first record in 1970, the current status of this species in Derbyshire is uncertain. It remains a notable species with small numbers being recorded each year. It seems to be extending its range, with most records from the south of the county.
ID POINTERS – The overall ground colour is brownish with a dark brown to black cross band. This varies in intensity of colour and sometimes allows the small black discal dash to be seen. Also two indistinct dark spots on forewing towards the wing tip.
FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing between  July – August.
IMAGES – Melbourne  – Images by Tony Davison©
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