73.283 BF2171 – Marbled Coronet – Noctuidae – Hadena confusa

Marbled Coronet Noctuidae – Hadeninae – Hadena confusa – colour code

STATUS – Uncommon and locally distributed in Derbyshire. Although recorded from all areas of the county, it is generally scarce.

ID POINTERS –  A greyish-white squarish blotch at the tip of the forewing is noticeable on examples from southern, central and Eastern England. Along with further whitish blotches in the central area and the trailing edge. The further north the more the moth becomes browner or dark olive green. Varied Coronet lacks the blotches at the tip of the forewing and has a more prominent central white band.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing June – July

IMAGES – Image kindly provided by Bryan Barnacle – Froggatt – June 2021


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