70.099 BF1774  -  Geometridae -  Larentiinae - Colostygia olivata - Beech-green Carpet Adult Macro:  CAT 2 - Can be confused with other species - Can be confused with other species       PDF Icon - click for Adult Macro Verification Guidelines

Black -  Extinct Species   
Taxonomy:   Macro  >>  Geometridae ID Difficulty:  amber  - care required in the identification process, as confusion with similar species is likely - quality photographs required.
Confusion Species:  Common Marbled Carpet
Distribution:  (First record: 1905 at Ashopton, Ladybower Res (Site not precise) )  -  (Last record: 09/08/2007 at South Darley )  -  A former resident species that is now thought to be extinct in the county. One record in 1905 which is most likely the first record. Then one from Deep Dale 1988; Alport Dale in 2005 and South Darley 2007.
Flight Period: July /  August /  Moth Activity: Nocturnal  Crepuscular   - active from dusk into the night Photographed: No -  Photographed By: Not Recorded
Wingspan: 22-27mm
Food Plant: Bedstraw (Galium).
Last Recorded Date: 09/08/2007
Last Recorded By: R.Hawksworth
Last Recorded General Area: South Darley
First Recorded Year: 1905

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