70.100 BF1776  -  Geometridae -  Larentiinae - Colostygia pectinataria - Green Carpet

Blue -  Generally Common / Widespread        day-flying - Day-flying
Taxonomy:   Macro  >>  Geometridae ID Difficulty:  green  - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers:  A distinctive species with green cross-bands edged in white and two blackish blotches along the leading edge of the forewing help to eliminate other species.
Distribution:  A resident species that is locally common and widely distributed in the county. Highest numbers seem to be located in the Peak District.
Flight Period: May /  June /  July /  August /  September /  -  On the wing between May – mid July – August- mid September – Two generations Moth Activity: Crepuscular   - active from dusk into the night Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Tony Davison  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 22-27mm
Forewing: 12-15mm
Food Plant: Bedstraw.
Recorded dates for Common [Blue codeBlue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.

IMAGES BELOW:  Melbourne – Images by Tony Davison ©  

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