Crambidae – Pyraustinae – Anania lancealis
STATUS – Current status in Derbyshire – First recorded in 1998, 4th July from Calke Park, South Derbyshire. A further 16 were attracted to light at the same location on 16th July 1998. The species has since been found at Crich Chase, Amber gate on 9th June 2008. The last Micro Moth Report was published by DANES in 2019. This appears to be the first record since this publication. Trapped by Clive Ashton on 9th July 2022.
ID POINTERS – Forewing a pale yellowish-white brown with various shades of heavily clouded greyish-brown. A central pale yellowish blotch in each fore and hind wing. A serrated cross-line running through the wings. A smart and easily identified pyralid.
FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing during June-August
IMAGES – Cromford, Derbyshire – Clive Ashton©
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