- Significant Record / Very Rare / Vagrant
Confusion Species: A. piercei
ID pointers: Holds forewings at rest in a “Tent-like” fashion. A prominent central cross-band of bright brick-red chestnut, bordered either-side with white cross-bands. Overall forewing is pale brownish yellow, with orangey-brown or reddish-brown markings.
Distribution: (First record: 01/07/2017 at Pin Dale, Castleton ) - (Last record: 01/07/2017 at Pin Dale, Castleton ) - A rare species in the county, that is easily confused with A.piercei. Found on Small Scabious & Field Scabious in Limestone areas. There is one old very dubious record that was probably A.piercei, so this record by Ben Smart is potentially a first record for VC57 & Derbyshire.
Last Recorded Date: 01/07/2017
Last Recorded By: Ben Smart
Last Recorded General Area: Pin Dale, Castleton
First Recorded Date: 01/07/2017
IMAGES BELOW: Pin Dale, Castleton, Derbyshire – Ben Smart©
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