- Rare / Uncommon / Scarce

Confusion Species: Vaguely similar to Cochylichroa atricapitana and Neocochylis dubitana.
ID pointers: Forewing is creamy-white with patches of browns and orangey-brown markings. A sub-terminal cross-band that is dark brown and the cilia is also dark brown. Two forms occur, one a very bright white form and the other a creamy yellow form.
Distribution: (Last record: 31/07/2024 at Birch Vale ) - Would appear to be uncommon across the recording area with only nine records bewtween 2005 – 2024.
Last Recorded Date: 31/07/2024
Last Recorded By: Jane Hewitt
Last Recorded General Area: Birch Vale
No First Date Information Recorded
IMAGES BELOW: Belper, Derbyshire – Dave Evans©

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