32.018 BF688  -  Depressariidae -  Depressariinae - Agonopterix heracliana - Common Brindled Brown
Blue -  Generally Common / Widespread   
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Depressariidae Other Name/s: Common Flat-body ID Difficulty:  Red - difficult to identify - detailed examination required, often a Gen Det and/or specimen and quality photographs are required.
Confusion Species: Agonopterix ciliella
ID pointers: A pale greyish to greyish-brown forewing, speckled darker. Base of wings pale creamy yellow buff. A pair of black spots edged white in central area of forewing  and several white dots at about half way in forewing edged dark.
Distribution:  A fairly common moth throughout the county.
Flight Period: January /  February /  April /  August /  September /  October /  November /  December /  -  On the wing August – April. Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Tony Davison  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 15-21mm
Food Plant: Gardens, waste ground, woodland edges.
Recorded dates for Common [Blue codeBlue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.

IMAGES BELOW:  Foremark, Derbyshire – Tony Davison ©


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