- Rare / Uncommon / Scarce
ID pointers: Small size of the moth and the kidney mark always outlined in white, more so on the outer edge are the main distinguishing features. The ground colour can be variable – pale or dark brown; reddish-brown or olive-brown. Marbled with paler and or darker markings. There are two basal streaks one at the basal area and one at the trailing edge of the forewing.
Distribution: (Last record: 08/06/2024 at Mellor ) - A resident that, although widely distributed, it is generally uncommon in Derbyshire. Recorded in very small numbers across the county, including the high northern Peak District.
Forewing: 15-17mm
Last Recorded Date: 08/06/2024
Last Recorded By: David Knass
Last Recorded General Area: Mellor
No First Date Information Recorded
IMAGES BELOW: Edale, Hope Valley, Derbyshire – Ashlin Bower©