STATUS – Last recorded July 2022 – Hathersage – First recorded in Derbyshire 9th August 2002 at Froggatt, North Derbyshire. The second record was of 3 specimens at an MV Light Trap at Darley Dale on 25th July 2008, some 10km from the first record at Froggatt. The third county record was July 2010 also at Darley Dale. Maybe some small populations are becoming established in the county.
A nationally scarceB species.
ID POINTERS – An obvious contrast between the dark brown cross-band and paler brown basal area with the cream band across the trailing edge to the forewing. There are also two “tooth-like” projections piercing the cream band. There is also some greenish scaling to the basal area which helps to confirm the ID
FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing between June – August.
IMAGES – 1st image – Froggatt – 1st County record 9th August 2007 / 2nd image – Darley Dale, 3rd county record, July 2010. – Images by Bryan Barnacle & Simon Roddis©