73.171 BF2342 - Noctuidae - Xyleninae - Litoligia literosa - Rosy Minor
- Generally Common / Widespread
Taxonomy: Macro >> Noctuidae
Other Name/s: Mesoligia literosa
ID Difficulty: - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: The upper wing combination of pink or reddish brown and grey is diagnostic in many cases, it can be fawnish. Central cross-lines bend in towards one another.
Distribution: A species that is widely distributed and fairly common in most areas of Derbyshire. Present in low densities of populations.
Flight Period: July / August / September / - On the wing July – September
Moth Activity: Nocturnal - and is attracted to light
Photographed: Yes - Photographed By: Steve Orridge © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 25-30mm
Forewing: 10-13mm
Food Plant: Stems and roots of several types of grass.
Recorded dates for Common [Blue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.
IMAGES BELOW: Dave Evans ©, Steve Orridge ©, Paul Buxton ©
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