- Rare / Uncommon / Scarce
ID pointers: Male forewing is a pale straw yellow with a black dot at around two-thirds. The female is usually larger than the male. There is a brownish longitudinal streak that runs below the costa and a dark subapical streak, curving to meet the forewing apex.
Distribution: (Last record: 12/06/2024 at Long Eaton ) - According to the 1986 publication of Micro Moths in Derbyshire by Harrison and Sterling, this species was described as very rare, with evidence that it was hanging on in southern wetlands. Only appears to be a handful of records, with two in the 1800’s and a record in 1973 & 1981. This one on 27/6/2005 maybe the first since 1981.
Last Recorded Date: 12/06/2024
Last Recorded By: Marion Bryce
Last Recorded General Area: Long Eaton
No First Date Information Recorded
IMAGES BELOW: Kings Newton, Derbyshire – Image by Will Soar©
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