63.003 BF1367 – Crambidae – Pyraustinae – Pyrausta cingulata

Crambidae – Pyraustinae – Pyrausta cingulata – Silver-barred Sable

STATUSWas recorded as a common species in the Derbyshire Dales during the 1900’s. Seems to be under recorded during recent years, but still present, locally in a few of the limestone dales. However, when it is seen, only recorded in very small numbers. Status then,  unsure. Nationally a localised species.

ID POINTERS – One of the lesser known Pyrausta species. A small triangular shaped moth with the hind-wings and forewings being brownish-black. A narrow white cross-band runs through the forewing and continues into the hind-wing. This can be straight or wavy.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing during May – June and July – September. Flies in sunshine and also comes to light.

IMAGES – Hay Dale, Derbyshire – Steve Orridge©

Pyrausta cingulata

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