52.014 BF0382  -  Sesiidae -  Sesiinae - Bembecia ichneumoniformis - Six-belted Clearwing Adult Macro:  CAT 1 - Distinctive species unlikely to be confused with others -       PDF Icon - click for Adult Macro Verification Guidelines

Green -  Rare / Uncommon / Scarce        day-flying - Day-flying
Taxonomy:   Macro  >>  Sesiidae ID Difficulty:  green  - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: There are six yellow bands around the abdomen with orange markings on the forewing which help to identify this from other clearwings.
Distribution:  (Last record: 13/07/2024 at Pleasley Pit CP )  -  A rare and notable species in Derbyshire, with scattered local populations. A probable resident, first recorded in 1986. Increase in records since, from scattered areas of the county. Pheromone lures attracted 31 individuals at West Hallam Ash Tip and a further 12 individuals at Hoe Grange Quarry on 7th July 2021. Clearwings are extremely difficult to find without the use of Pheromone lures so presumably are well overlooked.
Flight Period: June /  July /  August /  -  On the wing June- August. One generation – The moth can be obtained by sweep netting over the food plant just before dusk. Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: William Grange, Melanie Penson  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 9-12mm
Food Plant: Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil and Kidney Vetch.
Comes readily to Pheromone Lure
Last Recorded Date: 13/07/2024
Last Recorded By: Jane Hewitt, Derek Whiteley
Last Recorded General Area: Pleasley Pit CP
No First Date Information Recorded

IMAGES BELOW:  Six-belted Clearwing – Image by kind permission of Bill Grange © Melanie Penson © via Ken Orpe

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