49.083 BF1044  -  Tortricidae -  Acleris ferrugana - Acleris ferrugana - Tawny Oak Tortrix - ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Adult Micro:  CAT 4 - Gen. Det. Required - Gen-Det-Reqd       PDF Icon - click for Verification Guidelines
Blue -  Generally Common / Widespread   
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Tortricidae Other Name/s: Rusty Oak button ID Difficulty:  Red - difficult to identify - detailed examination required, often a Gen Det and/or specimen and quality photographs are required.
Confusion Species: A. notana – gen. det. required.
ID pointers: A variable species – Forewing yellowish-brown to reddish-brown. Coarsely speckled with darker markings. Often shows a small tuft of black scales a quarter distance from the head.
Distribution:  Common in many places throughout the county where there is oak. Likely under recorded due to the ID difficulty with A.notana
Flight Period: January /  February /  March /  April /  May /  July /  August /  September /  October /  November /  December /  -  On the wing during July – August and September – May. Moth Activity: Nocturnal   - and is attracted to light Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Tony Davison  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 14-18mm
Food Plant: Oak (Quercus). Sallow
Recorded dates for Common [Blue codeBlue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.

IMAGES BELOW:  Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

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