40.003 BF887  -  Momphidae - Mompha lacteella - Buff-headed Mompha - (Stephens, 1834) Adult Micro:  CAT 3 - Very Rare/Scarce/Migrant/Adventive - confusion with leaf mines       Leaf-miner:  CAT L - The leaf or a Photo required - reared and possibly dissected       PDF Icon - click for Verification Guidelines
Brown -  Significant Record / Very Rare / Vagrant         purple - Leaf Miner
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Momphidae Other Name/s: Rust-blotch Mompha ID Difficulty:  amber  - care required in the identification process, as confusion with similar species is likely - quality photographs required.
Confusion Species:  Mompha propinquella
ID pointers: As with all the Mompha species they are colourful, attractive and distinctive. They rest low and flat in a horizontal position. Often have scale tufts. Head and thorax pale yellowish brown. Forewing is greyish-brown to blackish-brown, with pale yellowish-brown basal blotch and several orange-brown marks and two large black scale tufts half way along the wing.
Distribution:  (First record: 1927 )  -  (Last record: 06/06/2021 at Buxton )  -  Nationally Scarce B – With two previous records dating back to 1927 and 3 records in June 2021 at Froggatt and Hathersage and a further record from Buxton in 2022 the status of this species remains as rare and notable. Most probably overlooked. Larvae on Broad-leaved Willow-herb.
Flight Period: May /  June /  July /  -  On the wing May – July.  - The larvae mine the leaves of broad-leaved willowherb (Epilobium montanum) Moth Activity: Nocturnal   - and is attracted to light Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Bryan Barnacle, The late Claire Miles  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 9-13mm
Food Plant: Broad-leaved Willowherb (Epilobium montanum).
Last Recorded Date: 06/06/2021
Last Recorded By: Steve Orridge
Last Recorded General Area: Buxton
First Recorded Year: 1927

IMAGES BELOW:  Froggatt, Derbyshire – Bryan Barnacle© / Hathersage – The late Claire Miles©

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