40.002 BF886  -  Momphidae - Mompha ochraceella - Amber Mompha - (Curtis, 1839) Adult Micro:  CAT 2 - Confusion Species -       Leaf-miner:  CAT L - The leaf or a Photo required - reared and possibly dissected       PDF Icon - click for Verification Guidelines
Green -  Rare / Uncommon / Scarce        purple - Leaf Miner
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Momphidae Other Name/s: Buff Mompha ID Difficulty:  amber  - care required in the identification process, as confusion with similar species is likely - quality photographs required.
Confusion Species:  M.epilobiella
ID pointers: A distinctive orange and yellow Mompha, and as with all the Mompha species they are colourful, attractive and distinctive. They rest low and flat in a horizontal position. Often have scale tufts.
Distribution:  (Last record: 08/07/2023 at Belper )  -  Appears to be uncommon as very few records. It favours Great Willow herb and is probably widespread across Derbyshire as this species occurs widely throughout much of Britain. Most likely under recorded   
Flight Period: May /  June /  July /  August /  -  On the wing May – August  - The larvae mine the stems and then the leaves of Great Willowherb Moth Activity: Nocturnal   - and is attracted to light Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Dave Evans  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 14-16mm
Food Plant: Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum).
Last Recorded Date: 08/07/2023
Last Recorded By: Dave Evans
Last Recorded General Area: Belper
No First Date Information Recorded

IMAGES BELOW:  Belper, Derbyshire – Dave Evans©

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