29.001 BF663 - Chimabachidae - Diurnea fagella - March Tubic
- Generally Common / Widespread
Taxonomy: Micro >> Chimabachidae
Other Name/s: Early Reveller
ID Difficulty: - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: An early spring moth. Variable forewing ground colour, pale grey, yellowish grey, sometimes darker grey. A black “Y” mark or a cross-line is apparent about one third on the forewing. rest of forewing speckled and dusted darker. Sometimes a series of spots along the leading edge of the forewing. A triangular shaped moth often reminiscent of the Scopariinae group.
Distribution: Common and widespread in woodlands throughout the county.
Flight Period: February / April / May / - On the wing February – May. Usually just the male that comes to light.
Photographed: No - Photographed By: Tony Davison © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 19-29mm
Food Plant: Various Deciduous trees.
Recorded dates for Common [Blue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.
IMAGES BELOW: Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison ©
29.001 BF663 - Diurnea fagella Melbourne, Derbyshire -Tony Davison©