73.002 BF2449 – Dark Spectacle – Noctuidae – Abrostola triplasia

Dark Spectacle NoctuidaePlusiinae – Abrostola triplasia – colour code

STATUS A resident that is widely distributed and generally uncommon in Derbyshire. Recorded from many sites across the county but mainly found in the southern lowland areas.

ID POINTERS – Ground colour is a brownish-greyish black. The basal area is a straw-yellow or reddish-brown. Several cross-lines are edged in black and the oval and kidney markings are also edged in the same colour. There is an outer oval marking beyond the kidney mark and the outer cross-line is straw-grey colour. These features help to separate from similar Spectacle (tripartita)

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing May – August. 

IMAGES – Central Derbyshire – Steve Thorpe© 


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