73.003 BF2432 – Ni Moth – Noctuidae – Plusiinae – Trichoplusia ni

Ni Moth NoctuidaePlusiinae – Trichoplusia ni – colour code

STATUS A rare migrant to Britain from Southern Europe / North Africa. This specimen was the 2nd record for Derbyshire, trapped in my garden on July 28th 2006, arriving during a spell of very hot weather from the south.

ID POINTERS – Resembles the Silver Y and could easily be over looked. It is more attractively marked with a lighter brown forewing. The central silver “Y” shaped mark is broken in two usually forming an “n” shape with a blob above it, like a detached tail of the “y” shape.

FLIGHT PERIOD – As a migrant most often July – October. 

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison© 


Ni Moth – Melbourne, Derbyshire 28th July 2006 – 2nd county record.

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