73.095 BF2389 – Pale Mottled Willow – Noctuidae – Caradrina clavipalpis

Pale Mottled Willow Noctuidae – Xyleninae Caradrina clavipalpis – colour code

STATUS A resident and a fairly common species that is widely distributed in Derbyshire. Present in all areas of the county, but uncommon in the northern uplands.

ID POINTERS – A thin and narrow winged moth with pale to dark greyish brown forewing with 3 to 4 small black spots along the leading edge. Also a thin orange-brown band near the outer edge. Kidney mark is darker often small, narrow and edged with white dots.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing May – October.

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

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