73.157 BF2333 – Large Nutmeg – Noctuidae – Apamea anceps

Large Nutmeg  Noctuidae – Xyleninae Apamea anceps – colour code

STATUS In 1986 described as a rare vagrant to Derbyshire. A species that appears to now be a localised resident and one that is spreading throughout the county.

ID POINTERS – A large and long-winged moth. Ground colour variable from a “nutmeg-brown”, pale straw to sand brown or greyish brown. The oval and kidney marks are pale and obvious. The forewing is intricately patterned with pale marbling and darker panels, especially near the outer edge. Forewing slightly pointed.Two obscure pale cross-bands, one near the base and the other near the trailing edge.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing June – July.

IMAGES – Darley Dale, Derbyshire – Simon Roddis©


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