- Rare / Uncommon / Scarce
ID pointers: An unmistakable large triangular shaped moth. The wings are patterned in dark brown and are very broad. There is a large broad paler brown outer cross-band that contrasts with a black or dark brown middle cross-band. The markings rarely vary. The outer wing fringes are slightly scalloped.
Distribution: (Last record: 21/08/2024 at Bamford, Hope Valley ) - A resident that is generally uncommon and only locally distributed in Derbyshire. Occurs in small numbers in the valleys of all areas of the county. It is most frequently encountered in the Trent Valley
Forewing: 30-36mm
Last Recorded Date: 21/08/2024
Last Recorded By: Diane Allen per Bryan Barnacle
Last Recorded General Area: Bamford, Hope Valley
No First Date Information Recorded
IMAGES BELOW: Melbourne Derbyshire – Tony Davison©