73.179 BF2271  -  Noctuidae -  Xyleninae - Tiliacea citrago - Orange Sallow Adult Macro:  CAT 1 - Distinctive species unlikely to be confused with others -       PDF Icon - click for Adult Macro Verification Guidelines

Green -  Rare / Uncommon / Scarce   
Taxonomy:   Macro  >>  Noctuidae ID Difficulty:  green  - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: A broad and pointed forewing that is delicately patterned with orange-red cross lines and veins. The oval and kidney marks are pale centred and also outlined in reddish orange. Ground colour is pale orange. Fairly diagnostic.
Distribution:  (Last record: 29/10/2024 at Cromford )  -  A resident that is uncommon, scarce and locally distributed in Derbyshire. Only recorded in very small numbers each year and seems to occur wherever there are Lime trees in both rural and urban areas. Rarely comes to light, so maybe this is why it is under recorded. 
Flight Period: August /  September /  October /  -  On the wing August – October. Moth Activity: Nocturnal   - and is attracted to light Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Tony Davison  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 28-33mm
Forewing: 15-17mm
Food Plant: Lime tree buds and leaves.
Last Recorded Date: 29/10/2024
Last Recorded By: Clive Ashton
Last Recorded General Area: Cromford
No First Date Information Recorded

IMAGES BELOW:  Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison© – Trapped in 2003 only one I have caught so far. A second individual 10/9/2023

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