73.245 BF2182 - Noctuidae - Hadeninae - Orthosia cruda - Small Quaker
Adult Macro: CAT 1 - Distinctive species unlikely to be confused with others - - click for Adult Macro Verification Guidelines
- Generally Common / Widespread
Taxonomy: Macro >> Noctuidae
ID Difficulty: - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: A spring moth that is easily identified due to its small size. A light brown or pale reddish brown, fairly plainly marked forewing. Darker oval and kidney mark.
Distribution: A resident that is fairly common but locally distributed in Derbyshire. Most numerous in the south where there are areas of ancient woodland. Never recorded in large numbers anywhere in the county.
Flight Period: March / April / May / - On the wing March – May
Moth Activity: Nocturnal - and is attracted to light
Photographed: Yes - Photographed By: Tony Davison, Martin Roome © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 25-30mm
Forewing: 12=15mm
Food Plant: Oak (Quercus) and Willow (Salix).
Recorded dates for Common [Blue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.
IMAGES BELOW: Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison© / Chaddesden – Martin Roome©
Small Quaker - Melbourne -Tony Davison©