- Rare / Uncommon / Scarce
ID pointers: A variable species but the main characteristic is a long black wedge shape running through the forewing that contains a rather elongated small pale straw or whitish coloured oval. Also the kidney mark is same colour as oval. Pale shoulder patches and small white vein-streaks into the forewing fringes. A moorland species.
Distribution: (Last record: 06/09/2024 at Glossop ) - Appears to be still a resident species whose population in Derbyshire is uncertain. An uncommon species that is found across a wide central moorland belt in the north of the county.
Forewing: 14-16mm
Last Recorded Date: 06/09/2024
Last Recorded By: Christian Heintzen
Last Recorded General Area: Glossop
No First Date Information Recorded
IMAGES BELOW: Darley Dale, Derbyshire – Simon Roddis© / Glossop – Christian Heintzen©