72.044 BF2044 – Dingy Footman – Erebidae – Eilema griseola

Dingy Footman – Erebidae – Arctiinae – Eilema griseola – colour code

STATUS – A resident that was a new species for Derbyshire in 1997. Small numbers are now recorded most years and there has been a gradual and slow increase of site records across the county, with most from the south.

ID POINTERS – Identified from similar footman species by the broad and rounded forewings which are a yellow-straw colour in form stramineola and silky in appearance, especially when freshly emerged. The grey form griseola, has a pale narrow stripe along the leading edge of the otherwise pale grey forewing.

FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing July – August.

IMAGES – Melbourne, South Derbyshire – Tony Davison©


Dingy Footman – form stramineola – only found in Britain
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