66.010 BF1640 – The Drinker – Lasiocampidae – Euthrix potatoria

The DrinkerLasiocampidae –  Pinarinae – Euthrix potatoria – colour code
STATUS – A resident, widely distributed & locally abundant in southern Derbyshire. It is absent or rare elsewhere in the county. The Trent Valley area seems to hold the main populations.
ID POINTERS – This moth is fairly diagnostic with a rich brown diagonal cross-line running to the wing tip and a white oval spot in the centre of the forewing. The female is either a deep yellow or pale buff in colour, the male is a warm red-brown with yellow spots rather than white. 
FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing – July – August
IMAGES – 1: Male – / 2: Female /  Kings Newton – Images by Tony Davison© 
The Drinker – Male
The Drinker – Female
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