15.025 BF301  -  Gracillariidae -  Gracillariinae - Parornix betulae - Birch Parornix - (Stainton, 1854) Adult Micro:  CAT 4 - Gen. Det. Required - Gen-Det-Reqd       Leaf-miner:  CAT L - The leaf or a Photo required - reared and possibly dissected       PDF Icon - click for Verification Guidelines
Black - Uncertain/Unknown - Insufficient Data        purple - Leaf Miner
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Gracillariidae Other Name/s: Brown Birch Slender ID Difficulty:  Red - difficult to identify - detailed examination required, often a Gen Det and/or specimen and quality photographs are required.
ID pointers: All parornix species require particular care in identification. Adults are all similar to each other and are best determined by either Gen. Det or by rearing through the food plant.
Distribution:  (Last record: 08/07/2019 at Ramsley Moor )  -  With very few confirmed records the VC57 status remains uncertain but it is probably locally common on Birch. A leaf miner.
Flight Period: May /  August /  -  On the wing during May and August in two generations. Mine Period: June /  September /  October /   - The larvae of this species initially create gallery mines in the lower epidermis of birch (Betula spp.) leaves, leading to a Phyllonorycter-type mine, but discoloured brown. The larvae later feed within downward folds, usually at the tip of the leaf, pupating in this site or on the ground. Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Steve Orridge  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 9-10mm
Food Plant: Birch (Betula)
Last Recorded Date: 08/07/2019
Last Recorded By: Andrew Watchorn (iRecord)
Last Recorded General Area: Ramsley Moor
No First Date Information Recorded

IMAGES BELOW:  Buxton, Derbyshire – Steve Orridge ©

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