73.208 BF2242  -  Noctuidae -  Xyleninae - Xylena exsoleta - Sword-grass Adult Macro:  CAT 1 - Distinctive species unlikely to be confused with others -       PDF Icon - click for Adult Macro Verification Guidelines

Brown -  Significant Record / Very Rare / Vagrant    
Taxonomy:   Macro  >>  Noctuidae ID Difficulty:  green  - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
Distribution:  (Last record: 23/10/1982 at Barlow )  -  Current status is uncertain – Probably rare resident or rare vagrant. Primarily a moorland and woodland species.
Flight Period: March /  April /  September /  October /  -  September onwards then hibernates and reappears in March – April Moth Activity: Nocturnal  Photographed: No -  Photographed By: Not Recorded
Wingspan: 48-58mm
Forewing: 24-29mm
Food Plant: Dock (Rumex).
Last Recorded Date: 23/10/1982
Last Recorded By: RTD - per Harrison & Sterling
Last Recorded General Area: Barlow
No First Date Information Recorded

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