63.116 BF1354 - Crambidae - Acentropinae - Cataclysta lemnata - Small China-mark
Adult Micro: CAT 1 - Distinctive Species - - click for Verification Guidelines
- Generally Common / Widespread - Day-flying
Taxonomy: Micro >> Crambidae
ID Difficulty: - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: The males of this species are slightly smaller and whiter than the females, but both sexes have a distinctive row of blue-centred black dots on the hindwing. Forewing of male and female have a small black dot at about two thirds.
Distribution: Fairly common and widespread living around ponds on Duckweed.
Flight Period: May / June / July / August / September / October / - On the wing May – October.
Moth Activity: Cathemeral - the males are day-flying but the females are mainly nocturnal
Photographed: Yes - Photographed By: Will Soar © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 18-24mm
Food Plant: Duckweed.
Recorded dates for Common [Blue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.
IMAGES BELOW: Kings Newton, Derbyshire – Will Soar©
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