62.065 BF1474  -  Pyralidae -  Phycitinae - Ephestia woodiella - Blushed Knot-horn Adult Micro:  CAT 1 - Distinctive Species -       PDF Icon - click for Verification Guidelines
Green -  Rare / Uncommon / Scarce   
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Pyralidae Other Name/s: False Cacao Moth, Ephestia parasitella, Ephestia unicolorella ID Difficulty:  green  - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: An overall sandy/greyish brown shaded darker, with obvious darker cross-band and a pinkish blush colouration which gives the moth its name.
Distribution:  (Last record: 2024 )  -  Not listed in Harrison & Sterling (1988) – A nationally local species and uncommon. So no doubt an uncommon and very localised species in Derbyshire.
Flight Period: May /  June /  July /  August /  September /  -  On the wing during May – September. Moth Activity: Nocturnal   - occasionally attracted to light Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Tony Davison  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 14-20mm
Food Plant: Dried leaves and other plant matter.
Last Recorded Year: 2024
Last Recorded By: Not Recorded
Last Recorded General Area: Not Recorded
No First Date Information Recorded

IMAGES BELOW:  Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

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