49.300 BF1209  -  Tortricidae -  Olethreutinae - Pseudococcyx turionella - Pine Bud Moth Adult Micro:  CAT 2 - Confusion Species -       PDF Icon - click for Verification Guidelines
Brown -  Significant Record / Very Rare / Vagrant    
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Tortricidae ID Difficulty:  amber  - care required in the identification process, as confusion with similar species is likely - quality photographs required.
Confusion Species:  Clavigesta purdeyi
ID pointers: Forewing a mottled covering of silver-grey and brown-orange markings, more heavily marked orange-brown near leading third of forewing. 
Distribution:  (First record: 16/05/2021 at Belper )  -  (Last record: 16/05/2021 at Belper )  -  Nationally locally scarce in NW England and Scotland. Most frequent in East Anglia and SE of England. One of several species that feed on coniferous trees. Not listed in the 1988 Micro Moths book by Harrison & Sterling. One attracted to mv on 16th May 2021 at Belper appears to be the first VC57 record.
Flight Period: May /  June /  -  On the wing during May & June. Moth Activity: Nocturnal   - and is attracted to light Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Dave Evans  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 14-21mm
Food Plant: Coniferous trees particularly Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).
Last Recorded Date: 16/05/2021
Last Recorded By: Dave Evans
Last Recorded General Area: Belper
First Recorded Date: 16/05/2021

IMAGES BELOW:  Belper, Derbyshire – Dave Evans©

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