49.194 BF1111 – Tortricidae – Olethreutinae – Bactra lancealana

Tortricidae – Olethreutinae – Bactra lancealana – Rush Marble

STATUS Locally common amongst rushes in many parts of the county.

ID POINTERS – The Male forewing is a brown, pale greyish-brown, yellowish-brown or orangey-brown, with darker markings, varying from almost uniform to a brown net-like pattern. Often there is a dark brown crescent shaped mark in the mid-wing at about two-thirds. The female forewing may be plain brownish with the dorsal two-thirds a dark brownish and the costal third pale brownish or pale brownish with a dark brown streak from base to termen.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing during May – October

IMAGES – Kings Newton, Derbyshire – Will Soar© 


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