- Rare / Uncommon / Scarce
ID pointers: Forewing narrow and slightly pointed and silvery white ground colour, speckled darker. Markings are yellowish-brown to reddish brown patches and cross-bands. A scale tuft near base of head.
Distribution: (Last record: 26/08/2024 at Midway ) - This species which is principally a native of coastal areas and sea cliffs, has become well established on garden rockeries. Thrift is a popular rock garden plant, so could well have been introduced via garden centre plants. Now seems to be a localised but widespread species in the recording area
Last Recorded Date: 26/08/2024
Last Recorded By: M.Williams (i.Record)
Last Recorded General Area: Midway
No First Date Information Recorded
IMAGES BELOW: Allestree, Derbyshire – Stephen Plant©
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