4.032 BF75  -  Nepticulidae -  Nepticulinae - Stigmella floslactella - Speckled Hazel Dot - (Haworth, 1828) Adult Micro:  CAT 4 - Gen. Det. Required - Gen-Det-Reqd       Leaf-miner:  CAT L - The leaf or a Photo required - reared and possibly dissected       PDF Icon - click for Verification Guidelines
Black - Uncertain/Unknown - Insufficient Data        purple - Leaf Miner
Taxonomy:   Micro  >>  Nepticulidae Other Name/s: Coarse Hazel Pigmy ID Difficulty:  Red - difficult to identify - detailed examination required, often a Gen Det and/or specimen and quality photographs are required.
Confusion Species: S.microtheriella and M. tityrella
ID pointers: An overall light brown or greyish upper-wing covered in coarse yellowish or silvery scales. A light orange-pale yellow head and a pale cross-band at about a third, bordering the darker final third of the wing. Whitish cilia.
Distribution:  (Last record: 16/10/2024 at Monsal Head & Lathkill Dale )  -  With few records of any adults and most relate to the Leaf mines, the species is obviously present in the county in wide scattered localities but relatively uncommon.
Flight Period: May /  August /  -  Two generations in May & August Mine Period: June /  July /  September /  October /   - The first stage of the mine is filled with Frass. The best means of identification is the position of the egg within the mine. The egg is always laid in a vein axil on the underside of a leaf, this helps to identify it from S.microtheriella which most often lays its egg in a vein but not in the axil (A leaf axil is the angle or space fromed where a smaller vein branches off from a larger vein on a leaf). The mines are often found alongside S.microtheriella on the same leaf. Moth Activity: Cathemeral   - active in afternoon and evening sunshine and occasionally comes to light Photographed: Yes -  Photographed By: Martin C. Harvey  © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 6mm
Food Plant: Hazel
Last Recorded Date: 16/10/2024
Last Recorded By: Martin C.Harvey
Last Recorded General Area: Monsal Head & Lathkill Dale
No First Date Information Recorded


Monsal Head October 2024 – Martin C.Harvey© ; Lathkill Dale October 2024 – Martin C.Harvey©

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