73.048 BF2397 - Noctuidae - Metoponiinae - Panemeria tenebrata - Small Yellow Underwing
Adult Macro: CAT 1 - Distinctive species unlikely to be confused with others - - click for Adult Macro Verification Guidelines
- Generally Common / Widespread - Day-flying
Taxonomy: Macro >> Noctuidae
ID Difficulty: - easy to identify, generally distinctive and unlikely to be confused with other species.
ID pointers: Totally unlike and other British macro moth. Small size, dark forewing, dusted with grey and a blackish underwing with contrasting yellow band is diagnostic.
Distribution: A resident that is locally common and widely distributed in Derbyshire. An inconspicuous little moth that favours wasteland, road verges and rough grassland. Absent from the high grit-stone north and locally common in the Trent Valley, Derwent Valley and the Limestone areas of the county.
Flight Period: May / June / - On the wing May – June.
Moth Activity: Diurnal - prefers sunny days
Photographed: Yes - Photographed By: Tony Davison © All Rights Reserved
Wingspan: 19-22mm
Forewing: 8-10mm
Food Plant: Mouse-ear (Cerastium spp.), especiallyCommon Mouse-ear (C. holosteoides).
Recorded dates for Common [Blue-coded ] moths are not stored on the website at this current time.
IMAGES BELOW: Foremark, Derbyshire – Tony Davison ©
Small Yellow Underwing 5th June 2006 Foremark - Tony Davison©
Small Yellow Underwing 5th June 2006 Foremark - Tony Davison©