73.131 BF2353 – Flounced Rustic – Noctuidae – Luperina testacea

Flounced Rustic  Noctuidae – Xyleninae Luperina testacea – colour code

STATUS A resident that is common and widely distributed in Derbyshire. Although found in all areas of the county, it is predominantly a lowland species, with greatest population densities in the Trent Valley and the Coal Measures. In the north found in smaller numbers in the valleys rather than on higher ground.

ID POINTERS – A rather thick-set moth than can be variable in size. Markings are various colours of brown, dull straw, dark brown, pinkish-brown and often dusted with grey. Oval and kidney marks are prominent and there is often an obvious pair of dark rectangles, one in each central area of the forewing. Hind wing is white or whitish-brown.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing August – September.

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

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