70.241 BF1921 – Scalloped Oak – Geometridae – Crocallis elinguaria

Scalloped OakGeometridae – Ennominae – Crocalis elinguaria – colour code
STATUS – Resident, common and widely distributed throughout Derbyshire. Largest densities are found in the lowland areas of the county.
ID POINTERS – A medium sized, triangular shaped moth that holds its wings open and flat at rest. The wings are  smaller and more rounded than Scalloped Hazel, with only slight scalloped shaped markings on the trailing edge of the forewing. A prominent black upper forewing spot, central and near to the leading edge. A contrasting coppery-brown upper wing panel running through an otherwise creamy straw-brown upper wing colour.
FLIGHT PERIOD –  On the wing July – August 
IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Images by Tony Davison© 
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