63.064 BF1334 – Crambidae – Scopariinae – Scoparia ambigualis

Crambidae – Scopariinae – Scoparia ambigualis – Common Grey

STATUS One of the most common and widespread species in the county.

ID POINTERS – One of several in the group that can be difficult to identify. A longish forewing whitish-grey ground colour with various cross-band markings of darker brown. A small “X” shaped mark at about two thirds in the cross-band. Usually has areas of ochre background colour which helps to distinguish from other similar species. The white sub-terminal and the terminal cross-lines curve towards each other to form an X , but this character is often shown by other species.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing during May – August

IMAGES – Melbourne, Derbyshire – Tony Davison©

Scoparia ambigualis

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