37.015 BF493 – Coleophoridae – Coleophora serratella

Coleophoridae – Choleophora serratella – Common Case-bearer

STATUS Commonest species of Coleophorid and found across the British Isles wherever the food plant exists. Widespread in Derbyshire and locally common where the food plant is located.

ID POINTERS – A Leaf-miner – Forewing dark brown or greyish brown. Antennae with white and brown or greyish brown rings becoming indistinct towards the tip.

MINE -The initial case is formed from a leaf fragment and the new case is formed after the larvae restarts feeding in the spring. Found on Ulmus (Elm), Betula (Birch), Alnus (Alder) and Corylus (Hazel). Casing shown on Corylus.

FLIGHT PERIOD – On the wing in June – August

IMAGES – Wyver Lane, Belper, Derbyshire – Dave Evans©


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